City Beach Juniors Final Club Contest


Last Saturday the City Beach Surfriders ran their final junior event for the season in some shallow thumping waves at South City Beach Groyne. The event was kindly sponsored by Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Week and helped raise awareness and funds for Spinal Injury prevention and research - a great cause!

The contest ran in conjunction with Star Surf + Skate's Surfboard Demo Day and the beach was chockers with competitors and punters trying out potential new surf sleds, there wasn't an unridden wave all morning!

Well done to Kash Cook who took out the event and then went on to scoop up the end of year award for the U16 division of Trigg Juniors that night.

Photo from John Harney photography. Check out his Facebook page HERE and Instagram HERE


CBSRC Final Junior Contest 2014 Results

1. Kash Cook

2. Alex D

3. Connor Brown

4. Caspar




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